
Biology (lecture)

1.Cell theory, structure and evolution2
2.The cell cycle (cell-division cycle), types of cell division, chromosome composition, human karyotype2
3.Reproduction and embryonic development2
4The laws of inheritance2
5.Heredity forms, Interaction and evolution of non-allele genes2
6.Medical parasitology 2

Biology (practice)

1.The structure of the microscope and the principle of its work. Cell structure, shape, size, and function4
2.Chemical composition of the cell, membrane transport Metabolism4
3.The life cycle of cells, form of division, chromosome structure, shape, size, classification, human karyotype4
4.Nucleic acids and protein synthesis, DNA replication, the genetic code of life4
5.Embryonic development4
6.The laws of inheritance, allelic gene interaction, form of heredity.4
7.Interaction of non-allele genes, population genetics, draw the pedigrees chart4
8.Medical importance parasitology. Protozoan, Trematoda and Cestoda4
9.Medical importance Nematode and Arthropoda4
10. Phylogenesis4
Total  40